215: Learn Your Chronotype to Optimize Your Life with Dr. Michael Breus

“When you do something is extremely important. Most people only think about what to do, not when to do it.” – Dr. Michael Breus

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We know that everyone is different. People have different personalities, different habits, different sleep patterns, and different emotions. But what we don’t often realize or think about is how this affects the specific times of day that we should be doing specific things. Dr. Michael Breus has written a book called “The Power of When” that allows you to find out exactly what your chronotype is, and use that information to help you choose the ideal time of day to do specific things!

It all comes from taking Dr. Breus’ test, which will show you exactly what chronotype you are. After you learn that, the book goes into all kinds of details about when you should be doing what. Things like focused work, creative work, bedtimes, wake-up times, and even when you should be having sexy, are all things that can be better if done at the right time for your chronotype!

This episode is extremely practical for anyone who wants to get more out of their life. Most people talk and think about what they should be doing, without hardly ever considering when they should be doing it! Learn exactly when you should be doing things in order to get the most out of them, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show!

“Everyone has different natural sleep timings, and times of day that they do things better. Learning when to do things will help you be more effective in everything you do.” – Dr. Michael Breus

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Key Takeaways:

  • Everyone has different natural sleep timings, and times of day that they do things better. Learning when to do things will help you be more effective in everything you do
  • A chronotype is your natural tendency for when you go to bed and when you wake up
  • Based on your chronotype, you should do specific things at different specific times for maximum efficiency
  • When you do something is extremely important. Most people only think about what to do, not when to do it
  • Sex in the evening is actually the worst time to have sex. Morning is ideal
  • Your pain sensitivity increases as the day goes, so exercising in the later part of the day will hurt more
  • Having dinner be the smallest meal of the day will help your blood sugar stay constant, which will help you sleep
  • Having a consistent time that you wake up every morning acts as an anchor for the rest of your sleep, to make sure it is good

5-Ways to Sleep Better

  1. Be consistent. Keep one schedule
  2. Stop caffeine by 2 PM
  3. Stop alcohol by 3 hours before bedtime
  4. Exercise. The best thing you can do to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep is to exercise
  5. Spend 15 minutes in direct sunlight every morning
  6. Block blue light at night time
  7. Give yourself time to fall asleep. Consider a ‘power down hour’



