How I Read A Book A Day

It’s @JamesSwanwick here, creator and host of Alpha Male Club podcast.

I can now read a book a day.

And I’m about to teach you how to do it, too.

What if you could download the thinking and knowledge of the most successful people in history directly into your own brain?

Imagine being mentored by professional athletes like Michael Jordan (basketball legend). Or billionaire businessmen like Jeff Bezos (founder and CEO of Amazon), Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple) and Richard Branson (founder of Virgin). Or by deep, spiritual thinkers and world changers like Gandhi and Mother Teresa.

You can. You can do that when you read their books. When you read their biographies.

Many of these great icons of history have written their own books, telling of their life stories. Others have had books written about them.

Either way, their life lessons are available to anyone when you pick up a book dedicated to their life. All you need to do is read their book.

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[Me, with a collection of books written by the great thinkers of the world]

Tai Lopez, who has the world’s second largest book reading site in the world and is the creator of the famous “67 Steps To Become A Millionaire”, initially taught me how to read a book a day. At first I thought, “I can’t do this.”

But once I figured it out, it became easy. Now I’m reading a book in about 1hr 45minutes. Thanks for pushing me, Tai.

I’ve been learning from the world’s most successful people. I do this by reading a book a day.


[The last 3 books I have read: The One Thing, The Everything Store, and The Happiness Hypothesis]


“Read a book a day and watch how smart you become.” James Swanwick (Tweet this!).

You might be wondering, “How do you even have time to read books, let alone in a day?” The reason is because I have mastered the art of speedreading.

I show you exactly how you can read a book a day in this Alpha Male Club Podcast.

Join me and start reading books every day. When you finish a book, go ahead and send out a tweet to me (@jamesswanwick) with a photo of you and the book you’ve read.

I will be thrilled to know you are starting a new culture by reading a book a day.

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[The next 5 books I will read: Kon-Tiki, Social, The Selfish Gene, Make Every Man Want You, and The Hiltons: The True Story of an American Dynasty]


► How to Read a Book a Day Podcast on ITunes & iPhones

► How to Read a Book a Day Podcast on Stitcher Radio & Android Phone


Please be sure to:

1. Click “View in iTunes”, 2. then SUBSCRIBE, 3. then listen to the interview​.


In this episode, you will learn:

►How to know what a book will talk about before you even read it

►How to read a book a day

►Why we should read a book a day

►How to hold yourself accountable to read

►Setting up a schedule to allow yourself to read

Subscribe to Alpha Male Club podcast by Clicking Here.

Watch how I am able to read an entire book every day, while retaining knowledge of great people in history here. [How to Read a Book a Day]

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