319: Postcard From New York pt 2

There's an old expression: “It takes money to make money.” It's absolutely true.

As cliche as it sounds, life really is short. Anything you want to do, you have to do now. If you wait to do something you’ll miss your chance, and end up regretting it.

If you want to start a business, start a business. If you want to move somewhere, move there. Don’t let anything hold you back, especially not fear. Nothing ever goes perfectly smooth in the beginning, but you need to keep trying.

On this episode of the James Swanwick Show, James records on his birthday from New York City. We receive an update on what’s been moving along, and James reflects on how much life has changed over the last ten year.

Download this episode of the James Swanwick show today to learn about James’ adventure and what he’s been learning along the way.

Key Points

  • A company reached out to James that works with QVC.
  • When James met with them, they instantly wanted his glasses.
  • James was no longer pitching, the agents he met with started pitching him.
  • If James doesn’t go directly to QVC he will make less, but has to work harder to get on the channel.
  • Swanwick is debating on taking a net 45 deal.
  • Worst case scenario, James only sells 500 units.
  • Best case scenario QVC buys tens of thousands of units and turns Swannies into a much larger company, gives them a lot of exposure and connections.
  • James is planning on focusing on PR.
  • In 2004-2010 James was a film journalist and often went to the Toronto FIlm Festival.
  • When you aren’t healthy you won’t be as happy as you could be.
  • The best time to do anything is now.
  • The breakthrough happens after you pick yourself up and start again.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff, because everything is the small stuff.
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