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Managing diet and stress without giving up your lifestyle, a conversation with fat loss expert Anthony DiClementi

“In dieting, generic programs usually yield generic results. Know your own body!” – Anthony Diclementi

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        Everybody’s got stress in their life. Difficult work situations, finances, relationships, and constantly growing To Do Lists can all add up to a very stressed out and sleep-deprived you. This kind of stress is very bad for you and for your body.

        Stress is a killer, but not all stress is bad. Working out puts physical stress on your muscles but, like many kinds of mental stress, it’s an acute stress that your body can recover from. And, although it’s not ideal for everyone, some people do their best work under pressure. What’s important is to manage and minimize the sources of unhealthy stress in your life.

        Today on The James Swanwick Show, I’m talking about stress and healthy lifestyle choices with  Anthony DiClementi, the highly sought after fat loss expert. Anthony is most known for teaching people to use strategic cheating to accelerate fat loss: dieting while still being able to enjoy “cheat foods”, wine and cocktails.

        Anthony knows that, just like everyone handles stress differently, our bodies also react to foods in different ways. For your diet to be successful and lasting, it needs to take into account the unique ways your body responds to and processes food. As Anthony says it, “In dieting, generic programs usually yield generic results. Know your own body!”

        You won’t want to miss what else he has to say about eating healthy, managing stress, and building healthy habits in this episode!


“The right way to do something is a way that you can do every day. Create a plan that you know you can stick to.” – Anthony Diclementi

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Notes on the Show:

  • It’s probably not possible or even healthy to completely get rid of stress. What you should try to do is manage stress
  • There are good kinds of stress, such as the stress that you put on your muscles when you work out to get into better shape
  • There is bad, chronic stress. This is the stress you experience when you hate your job, are unhappy, not sleeping enough, etc
  • Acute stress that doesn’t exceed our body's ability to recover from is good
  • The days of one diet fits all are gone. You need to get tested, or at least pay careful attention to the ways that you personally respond to food
  • Focus on deep breathing, using correct form
  • Pick routines and habits that you can do easily every day. Don’t bite off more than you can chew with new habits
  • Try to eat food in it’s whole form. When you can, it’s better to eat the actual food than a supplement based off of it


5 Ways to Handle Your Stress

  1. Diet. Make sure that you are eating food. Paleo is usually a good framework to help stress levels. But make sure that you customize your diet for your specific body. Stay away from problem foods. The ones that bring stress to you personally, and that you have taken note of
  2. Move your body, and sweat every day. Make it a part of your daily routine, and make sure it’s sustainable and fun
  3. Warm / Cold Showers
  4. Connect to the earth. Barefoot in the grass will give you a big boost
  5. Use the right supplements for you. Understand what will help you personally have more energy and less stress, and include those in your diet



BioHackingSecrets.com: The Biohackers Guide to Upgraded Energy and Focus – book by Anthony DiClementi

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