270: How Attending A Conference Earned Me An Extra $150,000 A Year

Do you find yourself often saying “no,” to invitations? When a colleague asks you to attend a seminar, do you shudder at the mention? When your spouse asks you to attend an informational seminar, do you quickly think of a reason not to attend?

Conferences are good for a plethora of reasons, especially if you are truly wanting to learn more about the topic of the conference. Often times people skip out on conferences, or seminars because they do not have the time for the event. If you skip out on these conferences you can miss out on the many ways that you can grow as a person, in turn, growing your business.

In this episode of the James Swanwick show, James details how attending a conference can change your life, and your mentality with things. Not only did this conference increase James intelligence, but it also increased his earnings within his company. Learn how much you can benefit from simply attending a conference or seminar like event, in this episode of the James Swanwick show.

Key Takeaways

  • Recently, and very last minute, I attended the Traffic and Conversion conference in San Diego.
  • I ran into fifty people I already knew, and was introduced to roughly another fifty that I did not know prior.
  • I was able to catch-up with a plethora of friends who I had not seen in a while.
  • The security was loose and did not check most badges when people walked in. It made it easy for me to sneak into three or four sessions.
  • I was able to network with a variety of people all coming from different backgrounds. I even met someone from Brisbane who had my mother as an elementary school teacher. Furthermore, he was the former CEO of my friends company. Small world!
  • I went to a conference, last minute, not knowing what to expect, but expecting the most.
  • I simply went to the conference with an attitude to learn, and I learned more than I could have ever expected.
  • I caught up with a lot of old friends, meanwhile reaching out to people I normally wouldn't, all while making a lot of new friends.
  • I was able to catch up with my friends in the mastermind group, the Brotherhood.
  • Joshua Goldberg, in conversation, helped me with a few problems I have been  experiencing with my business. From one simple piece of advice, I will potentially save thousands of dollars a month. Spending a few minutes with him, will save my business around twenty grand this month alone.
  • If I hadn't gone to the conference, I would not have been in the position to gather this information, and save my business this much money.
  • Go to conferences and seminars when there is a concentration in what you are working in, or trying to improve yourself in.
  • Anything from a health and fitness seminar, to a mindfulness seminar, to a marriage conference, to a pick-up seminar, attending a conference is powerful for you and your life.
  • Figure out what you want to learn, google that topic and the word ‘conference’, book the conference, and just go!


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