Terrible news for journalists! Plus one AWESOME tip

Develop an in-depth knowledge of a particular subject


I keep reading the bad news.

Budgets at newspapers, radio and television stations are being cut in this tough, economic climate.

Journalists are losing their jobs, newsrooms and production departments have been downsized. Hey, it’s tough out there!

But there are bright, shining solutions to make you hirable.

There are tips you need to know on how to become a journalist – to make you stand out and get the job, even in a tough economy.

I’ve given away four of these awesome tips in my free Insider Journalism Secrets presentation.

But for the time being, let’s talk about one of them.

In order to make yourself hirable to a prospective media employer:

Develop an in-depth knowledge of a particular subject

What does that mean exactly?

Well, before you approach a media organization looking for a job, know a particular subject inside and out.

Journalists generally report about a particular area, whether that’s sport, politics, science, health, the environment, celebrities, entertainment, education, communities, motoring, finance, religion, technology. Whatever.

For example, if you're passionate about fashion, read Vogue and Cosmopolitan magazines and Fashion Weekly and illustrate to a prospective employer how much you know about fashion.

If you are a sports nut and want a job in sports, impress them with your in-depth knowledge of sports. Or entertainment. Or politics. Or business and finance. Whatever your interest, develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of that field.

Employers will more often than not hire the candidate with an in-depth knowledge of a particular area over someone who simply has a journalism degree.

This is because they want experts in these fields. They don’t want a fashion expert reporting on sports. They don’t want a sports fanatic reporting on fashion.

But they DO want a sports expert reporting on sports and a fashion expert reporting on fashion.

So walk in knowing everything you can about a certain area and convince your prospective employer you know everything there is to know.

This will DRAMATICALLY increase your chances of getting hired for the gig.

Do you want examples?

Two famous journalists today actually started in the US Army and do not have a college degree.

Read their story here!

Now go out there and make it happen!

Talk to you soon,

James Swanwick

Author, Insider Journalism Secrets 

P.S. For the other three awesome tips to help you get the job, watch my

free presentation.

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