227: The Guts to Get Ahead in Life! With Brad Blanks

This is a short conversation about what it takes to get what  you want out of life. Most people are too scared, or perhaps think they don’t deserve, true happiness and fulfillment in their life, when the truth is that what you want is already there, waiting for you to grab it! Too many people refuse to reach out for it at all.

Brad Blanks is talking about his life journey, and what it took for him to start seeing success and fulfilment in his life. We dig into some of the details of what brings actual fulfillment in a life, and how to find that, and then how to go for it! Don’t miss it, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show!

Key Takeaways:

  • A lot of times, in order to do what you want to do, you just need the courage to jump right in!
  • Be ready, because you never know when the “break” might come, and you really don’t want to find yourself unready when it does
  • You need to find something that will give you fulfillment and excitement to get up each morning
  • Just say yes, and figure the rest out later!



Twitter: @BradBlanks

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