The Secret Ingredient Behind the World’s Greatest Minds with Clark Danger

“Saying that you don’t have the time to journal is like being on a road-trip and saying you don’t have time to get gas.” – Clark Danger

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Are you interested in learning about one of the most powerful tools, that the greatest minds throughout history have used? One of the best ways to ensure that you’re getting where you want to be going, that you’re taking progressive steps to accomplish your goals, and that your focus is in the right place? I’m not talking about some new technological breakthrough or expensive service, this episode is all about journaling.

People tend to find new, different things exciting. Humans get a dopamine rush when they learn about something new and different, and are able to picture the ways in which this new thing could help them in the future. And yet something as simple and old-fashioned as journaling is routinely overlooked and ignored. It may not be flashy, but it gets results.

Simply the act of writing something down is not only going to give you a much more full understanding of the subject you are writing about, it will also make you far more likely to actually implement it. There is something incredible about the act of writing, especially goals, and it causes humans to operate in ways that facilitates the accomplishment of those goals.

This episode is all about journaling, the oldest and one of the most powerful tools of self development available. Learn how journaling can help you, best practices to help you get the most out of it, where you can fit it into your daily life, as well as much more, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show!


Notes on the Show:

  • Journalling is a tool that the greatest minds of history have used

  • Men can be resistant to the idea of journaling, because it is considered passive. But journaling is in fact active, not passive

  • Over time, a journal becomes a “success log” that you can go back to and review

  • Your own notes, whether about books or “ah ha” moments, will resonate much deeper with you than something somebody else wrote

  • One of the best ways to learn something in a way that will really stick is to talk about it, and teach it if you have the opportunity

  • Try to keep in mind the amount of time you have left, so that you don’t waste it

  • Saying that you don’t have the time to do things like journaling is like being on a road-trip and saying you don’t have time to get gas

  • Save yourself first. Prioritize your health and wellbeing, so that you can take care of others


“You want life to be hard, because that’s what makes the results so great.” – James Swanwick

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Swannies Blue Blocking Glasses


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James: Why the hell should you write in a journal every day?  Kinda sounds like a pain right? Today we're going to figure out if it actually is a pain.  We're going to illustrate how important journaling is by way of setting goals, achieving the life that you want, getting out of your way mentally, getting clarity and focus, and really just setting your day off on the right foot. I kind of butchered that saying, didn't I? And to help us do that, I’ve got a mate of mine, Clark Danger from Paleo Hacks who has been on the James Swanwick Show Podcast last year, and I've been a guest on his show as well.  Clark, how are you, mate?


Clark: What's up James, how you doing man?


James: I'm doing great. Now you're a journaler, right? You journal all the time, and just before we start, if you're watching this on my YouTube channel or on the podcast for that matter, I'm in New York at the moment this is my New York apartment, this is the Lower East Side of N.Y.C. It's a bit of a beautiful day, usually I'm filming in my Los Angeles apartment but I’m in New York at the moment. Where are you Clark?


Clark: Seattle Washington.


James: Seattle Washington. All right, out so I'm in N.Y.C. you’re in Seattle.  This is a journal that I have…


Clark: Is that a moleskin?


James: It's not a moleskin. It just looks like one.


Clark: Looks good though.


James: And then, if I open this up, on the video, you can see I've got some stuff that I've written down.  Things like that, right?  And I journal, now I must admit that I don’t journal every day, but I journal a lot.  So Clark, tell me why we should journal.


Clark: James, man I appreciate the opportunity to talk to your audience about journaling. So, I had a lot of negative connotations about journaling.  I thought that it was like keeping a diary.  I thought that it was something that twelve-year-old girls do, and then they hide it under their bed, and hope their older brother doesn't find it and pull it out and get their dirty secrets, right?  And I think throughout life we kind of grow up with that as our connotation of journaling or writing it down, like it’s something boring, or something only nerds do, or introverts do.  But, when you really stop and think about the history of journaling, it blows you away, I mean, everyone from Bill Gates, Einstein, Da Vinci, all these great minds kept journals.  Da Vinci filled up thousands of pages in his journal with just a random crap with questions, all that stuff.  And then in the ninety's Bill Gates ended up buying eight pages of that for thirty point eight million dollars.


James: Wow.


Clark: Million dollars, just eight pages of that.  So journaling is a tool that we use, and the great minds have used throughout history, and that you can really use in your life. And everyone says, you know, I don't have the time for, either for coaching, or I don't have the money, or I don't have the time to really set goals and whatever.  And so journaling is kind of this free tool that no one's really talking about that really adds an impact, influence, and can really change your life and whatever you want to do.


James: Right. And now Clark, you're a men’s coach, amongst other things, and you are also the creator of the Paleo Hacks Podcast and people who follow me know that I'm a big paleo enthusiast.  Men in particular are very resistant to journaling, writing in a diary.  Why is that?


Clark: That's a good question man.  So when I was working with men, particularly college age guys, I worked with a couple hundred of them, I’d try and get them to journal and, I think as guys we like action, and we like taking steps toward something, and we like going for it.  We don't really like to sit and contemplate deeply, every single day for twenty minutes, that sounds terrible to us, it sounds boring and it's not what we want to do.  So I think when you reframe journaling as an active process, instead of a passive one, it becomes exciting.  And so what I do, and we can set it up here, but why this journaling system I do is kind of different, I posted a thirty minute video on it a year ago and it's got about sixty thousand views or something I don't know what it's at, people love it, it's all about setting up your journal.  And I think that's the most important part, so just don't open a journal and scribble on it, you're not going to get much out of it. It's about how you use the tool just like anything else, so I like to do, and stop me if you want any clarification on this, but I like to get a journal, and I divide it in to six sections, right? And these six sections are whatever you want to work on in life.  So for me, the six sections: I have a business section, I have a gratitude section, I have a notes-on-books section, I have a video, any YouTube videos I keep.  And so this journal quickly becomes not just something you write in for fun.  It starts becoming this compilation of all the ‘aha’ moments you have when you're listening to James’ show, or all the ‘aha’ moments you have when you read a book.  It becomes a success log that you can flip back to and pull out.


James: That's a great, it's a great point to make actually.  You know, I read a book a day.  My mentor, Tai Lopez, told me how to do that, in fact if you're listening or watching and you haven't done Tai’s 67 Steps yet, then just go to  And I was concerned initially when I was reading books, like, how the hell am I going to digest all this content if I'm reading a book in like an hour, an hour and a half, speed-reading?  Maybe it’s going to go in one ear and out the other. So what I did was, at the end of that hour, hour and a half, it takes me to read a book now, I quickly go in the back pages and I write three or four main points that I got out of it.  Now those main points then sit on my bookshelf, in the books obviously, in the books on a bookshelf, and then once a month – I actually put it in my calendar it says “review books.”  And so for that week I will not focus on reading a book that week, I'll focus on reading the notes that I made on the books that I read.  Now I'm going to move my computer here for a second cause I want to show you: I also take notes, and I print them out.  Sometimes, when I find a book I really, really enjoying and get a lot of benefit out of, such as “Never Eat Alone” by Keith Ferrazzi, I'll type out all of my notes.  You can see here if you're watching this on the video version, if you're listening on the audio version, I’m just holding up about fives pieces of paper stapled together with my notes from the book “Never Eat Alone” by Keith Ferrazzi. If you have a look here, I've got “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.  And these books were so good that I just typed them out, now, on occasion and, coincidently this week, I pulled these notes out, and I just sit down for ten minutes and I go over the notes again.  It just stimulates the mind.  And it helps to get you refocused and thinking again.


Clark: That's a really important point too, just to touch on, you're talking about writing four points of the book in the back.  Because no one's going to go through the book and reread it every single time they want to remember what it is, that's unnecessary for a lot of books. I'm sure your listeners have heard, and you’ve heard James, about the eighty-twenty principle.  That twenty percent of the book probably holds eighty percent of the information and the rest is filler because they have to sell a book.  And not that there’s some evil plan behind the person writing the book.  But even if you ask them, they could probably tell you, on an index card, what the book is about and the difference here between, OK well with the eighty twenty principle, why don’t I just read James's summary notes, you know, just, “give me the ‘Think and Grow Rich’ notes James,”
is because it's not personalized to you.  And that's what journaling is all about, it's all about taking your personal insights from these books, what you learned, James, from “Think and Grow Rich,” not what Clark learned.  And that's a disconnect I see with a lot of summaries online, or spark notes.  I love Brian Johnson's Philosophers Notes, absolutely love them, devour them.  But even with that, you know, a lot of people listening probably know him, those are his notes, those aren’t your notes, and so what you get out of the book is going to resonate with you. You have an emotional attachment towards it, it's going to sink in and soak in to you.


James: Right. You know it's funny I read Oprah Winfrey’s book which is called “What I Know for Sure.” I was given it as a gift, I had a long-time listener send it to me as a gift, which is very nice.  And I was kind of thinking “this doesn't look very good, it's a kind of small book, I'm not going to get much out of this.”  And I read the whole thing, but let me tell you something:  There's only one thing that I really remember from that book, and that thing is, never say a bad word about someone else.  Try to avoid saying bad things about people. Don't deal in gossip. Just try to avoid saying anything bad about anyone.  And I wrote that in the back of that book.  And every time I pick up that book and I look at that I go. “That’s so right Oprah Winfrey.” And so now, when I’m in a conversation with someone and I find myself sort of itching to say something bad about something or someone, I'm just reminded of my handwriting in the back of Oprah Winfrey's book which says never say a bad word about anyone.  And I'm just like, “Yeah.”  And most of the time, I'm not going to say that I'm such an angel and perfect, that I never say a bad word about someone, but most of the time when my instinctual feeling is to say something bad most of the time, I won't say it.  I'll just go, “I’m too strong in mind.” So this is the power of, first of all, reading books.  Second of all, just journaling it down, like this whole interview we're doing now with Clark Danger, is all about the value and importance of journaling. Now, journaling could be writing down for ten twenty thirty minutes a day, or it could be writing one sentence down in the back of a book that you just read.  And there is power when you take this pen, and you put it in a book or you write it on a piece of paper that was once a tree, and you literally just go, “there is power in the pen.”  Now I just scrawled that out, “there is power in the pen,” right, now that's reinforcing it, something is going on in my brain where it's reinforcing the power of those words. It's reinforcing the idea that there is power in the pen I should write things down, that means I'm going to pay attention to what I listen to, and what I write.


Clark: That’s great.  You've probably heard that three days after reading something you forget ninety percent of it or, those stats that came out when they studied students and what they're reading. Now, of course if you have an emotional attachment, that's what they found out, that it means so much more, and if you write it down it's like seventy percent three days later.  And if you talk about it and share it with someone that same day, it shoots down to like twenty or thirty percent.  I got to find that study again but the point being:  When you just read something you're like “OK, OK great.” When you write it down, you remember it more.  But actually the next level, James, is what I'm trying to do and that is, if something sticks out to you during the day, if you wrote you know, “there is power in the pen,” if you talk about that tonight. “Hey you know, writing things down in a journal, there’s power in that,” you're going to remember it so much more because now you have the attachment towards it.


James: Yeah, you know they've done studies that show that best way to learn is to teach.  So once you learn something, then go and teach someone. I'll tell you how I teach: I talk about it on my podcast, I talk about it on my YouTube channel, I talk about what I learned on my Instagram page @JamesSwanwick, I talk about it on my blog, I take what I learn about psychology and habits and I put it in my program the Thirty Day No Alcohol Challenge, I teach it, and that's how I keep it in my brain.  That's how I learn: I read something and rather than going, “that's interesting” and I am getting a dopamine release because I've got the information and I feel good, I actually then take that information and I teach it, and when I teach it, it ingrains it in my brain, which means then it becomes a habit.  When it becomes a habit your whole life changes.  So I talk a lot about habits in my Thirty Day No Alcohol Challenge program, in fact, if you’re listening to this on a podcast right now, even if you're watching on YouTube and you want to just find out more about the Thirty Day No Alcohol Challenge, where you quit alcohol for thirty days, you can text the word, get on your cell phone and text the word, “No alcohol” to the number 33-444. So you type in the word “no alcohol” and send it to 33-444.  I'll send you a text message back with some details on how you can get seven ways to socialize without drinking. I'll send you a little e-book and teach you about that stuff.  So what did you write in your journal today, Clark? Have you written in your journal yet?


Clark: Not today.  Personally, I try not to make a quota.  Because, like anything else, if I have a quota, it becomes an obligation.  Not something I want to do.  So I only write when I'm feeling really inspired, or I'm feeling fired up. Normally though, for visual people out there, let me open this guy up, so this might look stressful, first off, but the first two pages of your journal, this is what I do, a little tip, just like you talked about, James, write in the back of a book, the four points he really likes, well I take it a little step further and actually the front flap my journal, I write down my mission statement, my goals, and this one right here, this is the ultimate eighty-twenty.  This is the one percent. These are the lessons that every single time I open my journal I want to see. Right there you might have seen 32,850. Do you know what that number is, James?  That is the amount of days you have, from zero to ninety years old.  32,850. Now, if you’re thirty, that number is down to like twenty five thousand.  So man I learned that lesson last year, and that was a real kick in the ass, because, I compared it to something, if I had a dollar for every day I lived, right, like that expression that goes around I’d only have $32,000.  You know?  And so I did it the other day and I think I have like twenty four thousand now.  So time is ticking, time is ticking, and that's a lesson, not to stress myself out, but to make the most of it.  That's a lesson I want there in front of me.


James: I like that.  How long has a forty year old got left?  How do you figure it out? Is there a calculator somewhere online that will help you do that?


Clark: Yeah, good question man, so just go on your iPhone and you just pull up the calculator, and you type in your age.


James: So I was born on September 7th, 1975, so let's figure this out, we’ll do it right now as an exercise.


Clark: September 7th?  I'm September 5th, nice man.


James: There you go. There you go, form an orderly line, ladies.


Clark: So what you do is take your age, times 365, just your age, so if you're forty, you take forty.  So forty times three sixty five, that's 14,600. So remember that number, 14,600.


James: That's how much I've lived so far, is that right?


Clark: Correct.  So do 32,850 minus 14,600, and that leaves you with 18,250 days.


James: Minus, there's been four months of the year so far as we're recording, so four times thirty on average, is a hundred and twenty so minus another hundred twenty.  Man I messed it up.


Clark: No, I did it for you, you got 18,130.


James: That's what I got left?


Clark: Yeah, until ninety.  You know, I know this is a little morbid, but it's nice for a reality check for people.


James: So I have 18,130 days left, if I’m going to live to 90.  I better get a wriggle on, man, I better get things going! I like that exercise a lot. So what was it again?


Clark: 18,130. Yeah it's a good one.  I know it sounds morbid for people like “oh, I don't want to be reminded of my time here” but, you know, I think it's making the most of your time.  You mention Tai Lopez, I was watching a Tai Lopez video on Seneca.  And you know, the “On The Shortness of Life” book everyone's talking about now, but it’s a really powerful insight that life is long, if you know how to use it, and that for most people life is short, because they're wasting their time.  So not only does that matter, but when you see a number next to that quote or next to that, on the shortness of life, you’re like, “Seneca had it right, in five hundred B.C. or whenever he was.”


James: I like that a lot.  You know I've started getting into this daily habit of meditation. I downloaded an app called Headspace, and it's just ten minutes a day at the moment.  I’ve actually been experimenting with this idea of making the first hour of my day, the most important, in terms of just moving things along on a general level. I fell into the trap, in 2015, sometimes and not all the time but some times, of waking up and sort of getting into e-mail and all the sudden going down a rabbit hole.  All that stuff was important to do, like it was important stuff that I did in that first hour, but it wasn't as important as if I had meditated, read a book, focused, did some journaling, went over my goals, etc.  So now I'm just calling it the first hour. So when I wake up now it's like, “OK, the first hour or so from when I wake up I look at the time, I go “the first hour is my hour,” that means I'm going to journal.  That means I'm going to do ten minutes of meditation.  That means I'm going to plan, or I'm going to focus, to write down my goals.  I'm just going to do whatever it is that’s really important to me, and from that point I might go to the gym and do the exercise. I always do morning exercise.  But whatever it is, that first hour is really important, but what is most important is that I do put pen to paper.  I do write, whether it’s reading a book and then writing, what I put at the end of it, whether it's writing it in the journal. Do you have a morning routine?


Clark: Yeah, absolutely James. So I'd like to say I was disciplined, did it seven days a week, but it fluctuates and, this past week man I fell off hard so I want to be honest with everyone.  But normally, in an ideal day, get up before seven, meditate for five minutes like yourself, read a book, and then journal. Imagine that.  James and I have the same morning routine! And that’s not to say we're the best people ever, but there's something to it when, Jim Rohn said, “success leaves clues.”  And I notice that everyone I was reading about, great minds, they did that same thing. There was some form of silence in the morning, they got up early and they had some sort of thoughtful process, whether it be journaling, or reading, or meditating, or something like that. One thing that I started doing recently from the Paleo Hacks Podcast, I had this guy on, he told me about it is I drink one liter of salt water immediately upon waking up.  So one liter of salt water, so you get pink sea salt, you put it in just a mason jar and fill it up, and you chug that thing. And I do that before coffee, because I love coffee, I know people have mixed feelings about that.  It gives me this insane source of hydration, which I think, blunts fatigue and brain fog.


James: Oh it absolutely does, I mean I don't even know whether you need the salt I mean the salt sounds fine, but I don't think you need it, as long as you’re just drinking a ton of water in the morning, it's going to give you a lot more energy in the day. I’ll tell you what I’m experimenting with at the moment, Clark, I'm doing very rigid, intermittent fasting.  So I got a good friend of mine, a guy called Greg O’Gallagher, who has a program called Kino Body and he talks about the importance of only eating in an eight-hour window and then fasting for sixteen hours.  And he talks about suppressing your hunger with soda water or coffee.  So he'll wake up in the morning and he'll have a cup of coffee and he’ll push his first meal of the day back to like one thirty two o'clock in the afternoon, and have like a medium size lunch, then he’ll snack on an apple, around five thirty or six, and then at night he’ll have a huge dinner.  And he’ll even have a bag of pop chips at the end of it for dessert.  Which sounds kinda weird that you would be putting, you know, like chips or something in, but because you haven't eaten that much in terms of calories, you can actually have the pop chips and it's OK, as long as you’re doing it in that eight hour window. And then for those other sixteen hours, you're in fasting mode, and so your body is burning fat.  So I'm experimenting with that at the moment. So now instead of what you just suggested which is drinking a liter of water with a little bit of salt in it, I'm actually drinking a ton of water, a lot of a soda water like Pellegrino or just, you know, soda water in general.  And he's absolutely right it does suppress hunger, it's amazing what the bubbles in that soda water does, it doesn't make you hungry.  It's very easy to push your first meal back. The other thing is, I've been very vocal about coffee, and I think coffee is the biggest waste of freaking time for people who are going out and buying it at Starbucks and “let’s just duck in and have a coffee” or whatever, it just wastes so much time. But since I got on Greg O’Gallagher's thing I have been having a cup of coffee in the morning now to help suppress the hunger, this is another experiment, and so far it's OK, pretty good, today I went up on the roof of my New York City apartment.  This is the seventeenth floor where I live here.  But on the roof which is another five floors up, I went up there with a cup of coffee and, it was freezing cold cause as we’re recording this it’s freezing cold in New York and, I had a cup of coffee.  And it was lovely.  And you know what I did up there? I had the cup of coffee, I put it down, and then I did the ten minutes of Headspace Meditation. So just going back to the original point.  Drink lots of water.  Make a daily habit.  Do the daily journaling. Take that first hour to focus on yourself and you goals, get your head clear and then go from there.


Clark: Absolutely man, so I think what you're touching on is kind of filling yourself up and a point that I love is what Brian Johnson talks about. He talks about that a lot of people have that excuse in the morning of “I'm too busy.”  “I don't have time.”  You know, James is doing an hour, “I can't do an hour.” And saying that you don't have the time to fill yourself up is kind of like saying that you're on a road trip, and you're too busy driving to stop for gas.  Like how's that going to work out for us?  We need this.  We need the meditation, we need the journaling, we need some sort of information. It's not a luxury, it's not a nice to have, it's a priority and we've got to prioritize it and there's no simple way to sugarcoat that, like for people who say I don't have time I mean I'm sorry, you can make time, you can make it a priority.  And that's an unpopular thing to say because in the space, it's all about “Oh, you're fine the way you are, everything's OK, you know, you don't have to make any changes, just accept yourself” but try it.  Try the thirty days no alcohol, try this hour in the morning, try the meditation, try the journaling, and make it a priority to fill yourself up.


James: And listen, some people are watching and listening now, and they’re married and they’ve got kids.  And they’re like, “where the hell am I going to find the time to take an hour in the morning? I got a crying baby whose diaper I’ve got to change, I got kids I got to get to school, it's a madhouse, in the morning getting things ready.”  You know what? I get it. I understand this.  But at the same time, let me say this to you in a very harsh way. This is going to come across very mean and very harsh. Boo effing hoo. Find the time.  Make the time.  It doesn't have to be first thing in the morning, if you literally cannot do it. But do it at some point during your day.  Make the time to journal, make the time to meditate, make the time to take time for yourself because if you don't, then all of your life is going to be one big – I was going to say something very crude there, but I stopped myself.  Everything's going to be a mess.  And I know it's hard.  But you know what? You want life to be hard, because that’s what makes the rewards so great. You want it to be hard, like, Tai’s always going on about the scene in the Tom Hanks movie about the baseball club, I can’t remember what it's called, but it's like, you want to life to be hard.  That’s what it’s all about.  And that's what makes the result so good. So it's hard for me, quite frankly, to wake up in the morning, and go “shit, I got to do ten minutes of meditation.” It’s just ten minutes!  But for me it's like a struggle, but I do it, and at the end of it I feel great because of it.


Clark: Man that was important.  What did you say? It's hard, but that's what makes life great? You said it really well, I like the way you put it.


James: Yeah, I mean I don't have it memorized perfectly, but it was along the lines of “you want life to be hard because that's what makes the results so rewarding.”


Clark: Yes that was it, that’s tweetable.  Good job.


James: There you go. Tweetable! Retweet this.


Clark: Can I give one more analogy?


James: Please do.


Clark: So I just talked about this on my latest YouTube video, something that really stuck with me when I boarded an airplane. A lot of people, they might have heard this, but when the flight attendant’s up there, she's giving her demonstration she's teaching you how to put on the seat belt, she's telling you about the emergency exits, she's telling, you know, OK don't do this put the tray up, all this stuff, and then she gets to the oxygen mask.  And she’s putting it on, she looks ridiculous, and five people are watching because everyone’s on their phone.  She says, “In the case of an emergency, put your mask on first, before assisting other people.” Put your mask on first.  And the reason is because, when we're thirty thousand feet in the air, and the cabin rips open, you’ve got, I looked it up, about ten to fifteen seconds before you pass out due to lack of oxygen.  So if you pass out, if the cabin’s ripped open, you're passing out because you don't have your mask on, you didn't put it on first, you can't help other people put their mask on.  So we have this idea that, you know, prioritizing myself over my kids, or prioritizing my, taking an hour over my relationship, like, I hear you.  It's busy.  I know.  But ultimately, if you don't put your mask on first, you can’t assist other people.  And it's just something we have to do.  So that always stuck with me, and it’s something I like to bring up, because I think it's important.


James: Take care of yourself first.  Then you can take care of others. Great point there, from Clark Danger.  Where do we find you? Where does out listener go to find out more about you, Clark?


Clark: Awesome. Mostly on YouTube, now, that's my home.  You just go to YouTube, search Clark Danger.  Should pop up. If you want to get ahold of me you can reach me at


James: Clark does not have an E at the end of it, right?


Clard: That’s right, yeah.


James: All right, cool.  Now listen, if you are listening or watching this and you want to tweet something about this, just find something that you enjoyed, an action step, and tweet it, put me in there. @JamesSwanwick.


Clark: @ClarkDangerous, I don't know who has danger, it’s a weird dude.


James: OK, so you’re @clarkdangerous?


Clark: Yes.


James: Dangerous.  I like it.  It's very cool.  Very cool. Look out. So put us both in there, say, “great episode guys” or “thanks @clarkdangerous and @jamesswanwick,” and just put that out on Twitter. Make sure you follow me on Instagram @jamesswanwick, If you want to learn more about my blue blocking glasses, the Swannies, which sold out in its first run, go to My brother set this up. I’m business partners with my brother, Clark, and he keeps giving me all these little, these new cool links but I keep forgetting them, which is not good when you've got a show and trying to send people to the right place.  But thank you so much for listening while I try and find this, hang on a second, there is,  If you go there you can see the blue blocking glasses that my brother and I created which help you sleep at night.  If you wear them, it blocks the blue lights on your computer, if you wear them for an hour and a half before you go to sleep, you fall asleep quicker, have deeper sleep, and you feel much better in the morning.  Clark, I’ve really enjoyed this buddy.


Clark: Yeah, it's fun, it was spontaneous, and look for James's appearance on my show too, on YouTube.  We're talking about his Thirty Day No Alcohol Challenge.  So be sure you watch that, because we just did it like ten minutes ago and it was awesome.


James: Yeah, thanks for that, and Clark is actually taking his own Thirty Day No Alcohol Challenge at the moment, as we're recording this, you’re on about day four. How's it going so far?


Clark: Great, man, I love it, I mean, the stuff you talk about all the time with the mental clarity, the energy, sleep is the biggest one for me.  And it's something I do every January, so I was stoked to find that you're talking about it as well.  And you created a program and everything, that's really cool because it's important.


James: Cool, I love it.  All right, Clark Danger, thanks very much, thank you to you watching on YouTube, thank you, you listening on the podcast. Thank you to you, wherever you're watching this, at whatever time in your life.  Make sure you journal; make sure you keep moving forward. Take action.  Get it done. Thanks, Clark.


Clark: Thanks, James.

