201: The Mental Drill to Become an Entrepreneur: “Disrupt You!” By Jay Samit BOOK REVIEW

“Every day, write down your three biggest problems that need solving, to train yourself to always be solving problems.” – Jay Samit

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Business is nothing more than solving problems for people. This is the premise of the book “Disrupt You!” by Jay Samit, and it is the premise that allows Jay to lay out exactly how to develop the muscle most important to the entrepreneur.

Jay says that you should make a habit of writing down your 3 biggest problems every single day. Doing this will rewire your brain to see problems and think creatively about ways to solve them, which will, in turn, turn into potential business ideas, and give you the mental abilities to become an effective entrepreneur.

Then, if you solve a big enough problem, or one that people are willing to pay you for, you will have the beginnings of a very solid business. As an entrepreneur, this is an incredible practice, and will give you the mental capacity to become a truly great entrepreneur. Learn how on this episode of the James Swanwick Show!

“Every obstacle is an opportunity in disguise.” – Jay Samit

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Key Takeaways

  • Every day, write down your three biggest problems that need solving, to train yourself to always be solving problems
  • Doing this will rewire your brain to solve problems, which is what business is all about
  • Solve problems consistently so that you get good at it, which will equal you becoming good at business
  • In order to come up with amazing ideas and become an amazing entrepreneur, hang out with that type of person
  • Every obstacle is an opportunity in disguise
  • Start each day with a positive attitude
  • Commit to lifelong learning


“Disrupt You!” by Jay Samit

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