304: Evan Tardy: How to Grow a Business From Nothing to $100 Million in 7 Years

Are you struggling with your business and don’t feel like you can get over a hump? Are you stuck making a certain amount of money but want to see growth? Ever business hits these bumps in the road, and one of the keys is not to give up. The second is to find motivated people to help you.

No one can do everything, and if we try we won’t be very good at any of it. You need to get your skills up to a 3 or 4 out of ten in an area, like advertising, then find someone who is a 9 or a 10 at it to join your team. You’ll be amazed at just how fast your business will grow when you find quality self motivated people to help your company.

Evan Tardy, the man with Entrepreneurship coursing through his veins, joins us on this episode of the James Swanwick show. Evan tells us how he helped the nutrition company go from an idea to a hundred million dollar company in only seven short years.

Download this episode of the James Swanwick show to get the inside information that will take your enterprise to the next level.

Key Points

  • You have to work really hard and believe there is a way.
  • Saying yes to everything early on in your career is super important.
    • After a point it becomes more important to say no to things.
  • A great way to get your start is to work for free and gain experience.
  • Try to develop your skills to a 3 or a 4 out of 10 then outsource to someone better.
  • You have to believe in your mission and message.
  • If you show up, give it your best each day.
  • Have to properly manage cash flow and expenses to keep things running smoothly.
  • At the end of the day it’s numbers and math you have to understand.
  • Hire a good bookkeeper to help stay on track.
  • Create a program that was validated by your audience, not something you think will work.
    • Always be asking potential customers what they want, get it, then give it to them.
  • Look at Amazon reviews for ideas, but ignore the 1 and 5 stars.
  • The last things you want to do is spend a year creating something no one wants.
  • Hire a 10/10 advertiser when you can instead of doing it all yourself.
  • If your team bring their creativity every day, you’ll get 5x the typical results.


Evan Tardy’s Facebook Page

Evan’s Twitter


Book: The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich

Book: Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion

Book: Never Eat Alone, Expanded and Updated: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

Book:Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits!: 4 Keys to Unlock Your Business Potential

Book: The Synergist: How to Lead Your Team to Predictable Success

Book: Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don't




