160: Are You Still Stuck? The Fast Exercise to Get You Unstuck

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Do you feel like you’ve been stuck for forever? Like you’ve been trying to make progress for so long, and things are just taking forever? Like you’ve been stuck in the same place for FAR too long?

This episode outlines a simple exercise to go through to get you unstuck FAST! The good news is that there are simple steps to go through to get you headed the right direction, where you ultimately want to go, but they may be a bit different than you expect!

For example, I recommend outlining what you DON’T want, and who you DON’T want to be. After this, outline what you do want and who you do want to be, and the path from one to the other becomes much clearer.

Learn the exact steps to get unstuck on this episode of The James Swanwick Show!

Key Takeaways

  • Instead of figuring out what you want, find out what you definitely do not want, and it will bring clarity about what you do want
  • Make a whiteboard of the things that you definitely do NOT want
  • Then, work through what you DO want
  • After this exercise, the path from what you don’t want to what you do want will become much clearer


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