How to Make New Friends

Do you often feel like you don’t have ENOUGH friends?

Do you feel lonely because nobody’s ever inviting you to go out?

Maybe, you even feel like you’ve OUTGROWN your current friends and you want to make NEW friends.


Well, that’s why you have to watch the video I made, below.

On today’s new video you’ll learn tips including:


* The secret way to make more friends in 2 months than what would normally take you 2 years

* The simple physical movement you can do that will attract people to you

* How to get people to invite you places




People are interested in the people who are interested in them. @jamesswanwick

So here are my two questions for you:


1. How do you make friends?

2. What strategies to make friends have you tried previously that did NOT work?


Please leave a comment below with your answers.


Thanks for reading, watching and sharing!


P.S. If you sometimes struggle to finish what you started, you definitely want to check out next week’s video. We’ll fix that super fast!

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