324: Ryan Moran: How to Sell a Business for 8 Figures

Starting a business is no easy game. Are first it’s just you, or maybe a really small team. As your figures grow so does your team.

There comes a point in every business when it becomes more about growing your team and finding the right business than it is about actually running a business.

One of the things you need to keep in mind when growing your team is to always bring on someone who is better than you. You don’t want to find someone you need to train, you want them to be ready to hit the ground running and grow your business in ways you didn’t expect.

If you’re wondering when is the right time to bring on a new team member, as yourself this:

Is you business still growing or has it plateaued?

When your company is still growing, that means you are on the right track. If the answer is that it’s plateaued, that’s a sign you need to bring someone else onto the team.

On this episode of the James Swanwick Show, James interviews Ryan Moran. Ryan just sold his business for 8 figures, and is on track to have a 9 figure business. Ryan has been training and coaching entrepreneurs for years, in fact James credits Ryan as being the reason he found his current success.

Download this episode of the James Swanwick show and learn how you too can start building an 8 figure business from the ground up.

Key Points

  • Identify where buyers and potential buyers are hanging out.
  • Sell physical products people want and consume.
  • Having a second product will increase the sales of the first product increase.
  • When you start go all in one one thing.
  • Don’t diversify too quickly.
  • If you bring on a new team member, make sure they are better than you at something.
  • When you are established it because more about who you know.
  • When you hit a plateau you are missing a person in your life.
  • Know what your singular skill is.



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