243: How to Pitch and Convince Anyone with Josh Muccio of The Pitch

Understanding how to convince somebody to do something is one of the most important skills that you will ever learn in life. While it’s obviously important in business, being persuasive is essential to almost to accomplishing anything that you want to accomplish, because you will nearly always have to convince others of your idea and point of view.

Josh Muccio is the host the podcast The Pitch, which is currently starting on its second season.

The Pitch is the Shark Tank of podcasts. On it, founders of startups pitch investors for money, trying to convince them to invest in their idea or business. So it’s safe to say that Josh knows a thing or two about pitching.

This episode goes through the specific steps that you need to understand, with certainty and clarity, when pitching. The things you need to practice, the angle you need to take with your words, and how you must present yourself.

If you would like to know how to be more persuasive in your life, this episode is for you! And remember to checkout season 2 of The Pitch.

Key Takeaways:

  • How you say something is almost just as important as what you say
  • Always be excited, be exciting, and be memorable
  • Don’t get too focused about the features of what you do. Focus on the broad overview
  • Lead with benefits, not with features
  • Make sure that the target of your pitch fully understands the problem
  • Focus on hitting the reptilian, non-thinking, but more feeling, side of your brain
  • Understand that, somewhere along the process, you have to sell you and your team, which means you must have a tremendous amount of faith in yourself and your team
  • Name accomplishments of team, forget names at first
  • Leverage your own choice as a founder, and that you’re looking for someone and something specific
  • Don’t be worried about people stealing your idea! Instead, execute yourself!
  • Involve other people in your dream and along the journey
  • Investors invest in people more than ideas


The Pitch Podcast

The Pitch on iTunes

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