294: You’re making yourself sick.

Do you have chronic fatigue? Always feeling sick? Chances are you are doing it to yourself. If you’re just working, and not looking into your health, wealth and love, you’re only going to cause more and more problems. Not just mental, but also physical.

On this episode of the James Swanwick show, James interviews fellow Aussie Melissa Ambrosini. She discusses her downfall and how not taking care of herself and only thinking about her career in entertainment caused her to wind up in the hospital. She shares inside tips about how you can find your place in the world, what really makes you happy, and how to find what you are really looking for – not just what you think you’re looking for.

Key Points

  • Not balancing these life elements can cause both physical and mental problems.
  • You have to take ownership for your own life.
  • You shouldn’t have to hit rock bottom to realize what’s important and that you need to make a change in your life.
    • What will it take for you to make that change?
    • Are you making choices from your heart or from your worries?
  • Without health, you can’t be who you want to be.
    • Eating well is simple, yet we make it hard on ourselves.
    • Quality food can quickly improve your quality of life.
  • Finding your love will make you successful.
    • Hard work won’t seem so hard when it’s something  you love.
    • You’ll feel you have to accomplish something.
  • Be open and curious about the world, and things that interest you.
  • Don’t think about your goals in a selfish manner, do what you do for others.
  • Find what you want to do by looking at what you don’t want to do.
  • Love yourself.
    • If you treat yourself like crap, others will too.
    • If you want more love in your life, give love throughout the day.
  • Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable.
  • Master your inner critic.
    • Everyone has negative thoughts and makes mistakes.
  • Be mindful of where your desire for wanting a partner is coming from.

Resources: www.melissaambrosini.com

