198: The Successful Vs. The Drifter: Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill: BOOK REVIEW

“The youthful mind is apt to confuse temporary success for permanent success.” – Napoleon Hill

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Do you wonder what the differences are between the people who seem to actually get what they want out of life, and those who simply drift through life without a purpose, constantly consuming content and ideas but never putting them into practice nor really thinking for themselves?

Napoleon Hill calls these people who pass through life without major purpose or action “drifters” in his book “Outwitting the Devil” which I am reviewing on this episode, and he has powerful tips for how to keep yourself from becoming that drifter!

If it seems like you are always consuming other people’s ideas but never thinking for yourself, or it seems like you are always getting pumped up and motivated but never actually doing anything, this episode is probably for you. You’re going to learn how to get out of that mindset, how to stop procrastinating, and how to really get stuff done and ultimately get what you want out of life!

“When plans fail, substitute other plans, but with the same end goal in mind.” – Napoleon Hill

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Key Takeaways:

  • The biggest thing that people struggle with is drifting: Allowing yourself to be influenced by circumstances outside his own mind. A drifter has lots of opinions but none of them are his own
  • The youthful mind is apt to confuse temporary success for permanent success
  • In the same token, don’t think that the down times will last forever
  • When plans fail, substitute other plans, but with the same end goal in mind
  • All habits, except that of the love of definiteness of purpose, may lead to the habit of drifting
  • Drifters have a total lack of any major purpose in life
  • Laziness + Indifference = Indifference = Drifting

  • Positive thoughts can be woven by time into permanent habits
  • Every human being owes himself the duty of finding out how to live a full and happy life
  • Non-drifters don’t wait for opportunities, they create opportunities


How to Beat Procrastination

“Outwitting the Devil” by Napoleon Hill

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