210: Pay to Get Rich: The difference between doing and just learning

“When you pay for something, you take it more seriously, put more value on it, and get more out of it.” – James Swanwick

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Why would you pay to get rich? It seems like going the wrong direction, doesn’t it? Seems like to get rich, you should save, save, save, right? But that’s not how humans work, as it turns out.

The reason you often need to pay in order to get rich or see success in any endeavor is because when you pay for something, you instantly put more value on it. Because you have invested, and have “skin in the game,” you will now take your training or whatever it is far more seriously. You will show up and be focused, and really achieve what you set out it.

The reality is that all of the information you need to be wildly successful is available to you on youtube and the rest of the internet. It’s available to everyone else, too. But it will only help you if you put it into practice, and for a very large number of humans, the only way you will put it into practice is by paying for it.

“Instead of saying “I can’t afford it,” say “How can I afford it?” When you need something, you find a way.” – James Swanwick

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Key Takeaways:

  • When you pay for something, you take it more seriously, put more value on it, and get more out of it
  • Paying is a great way to ensure that you really follow through and do the work required to get the most out of your education
  • Similarly, when you invest money in a personal trainer, you will be far more likely to see results
  • It’s important to be emotionally invested in results, and putting money into something is one way to get emotionally invested
  • Most importantly, know yourself, and what it will take to get you to implement what you learn
  • Instead of saying “I can’t afford it,” say “How can I afford it?” When you need something, you find a way


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