287: It Pays to Invest

Are you thinking of starting a business or in the process of doing so? Do you often find yourself questioning if you are making the right decisions and moving forward with your plans? Do you ever feel that you are not making progress as fast as you thought you would?

On this episode of the James Swanwick show, James details the importance in investing in a business coach. In 2013, James spent $25,000 on business coach, Ty Lopez, and because of that he has made one hundred times that.

The great entrepreneur and coach,Tony Robbins said, “ it doesn't matter what has happened to you in your past that determines who you become, rather it’s your decision on what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you are going to do about them that determines your destiny.” James discusses the importance of investing in a business mentor, and how it will speed up your process, as well as teach you things you didn’t even know you needed to know.  

It pays to invest.

Key Points

  • I spent $25,000 on a business coach in October 2013, and it was the best investment I have ever made.  
  • Investing in one-on-one coaching will be the best investment for any business owner.
  • James was coached by Ty Lopez, a controversial online entrepreneur who taught him more than he thought he would ever learn about business.  
  • Up until that point he attended free seminars, looked for free stuff, etc.
  • Because the information was free, he was not valuing this information.  
  • The moment he spent the $25,000 was the moment he focused.
  • It brought clarity on the topic, and forced him to put his nose to the grind.
  • Things you learned:
    • As soon as you take information seriously, you will start to see results.
    • All the greats in life have mentors.
    • How to create a business, start an ecommerce site, publish a book, put together programs
  • Most recently started to put together a happiness program. Without the guidance of a business coach, there is no way he would venture into all these different business ventures.  
  • Richard Branson puts an emphasis on mentoring when it comes to making ones way in business.
  • You have to learn to take action, in order for the payoff to come in 12-18 months down the line.
  • It takes a while to see results on a new business venture, but having a business coach can speed this up.
  • Work with people who are familiar with your line of work, and you can learn a lot from.

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