250: Book Review: “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

If you feel stressed out, like you’re always striving for more and more, and never able to attain it, or like nothing ever goes right for you and you’re constantly fighting an uphill battle, this episode will speak to you directly.

This episode is a book review of the book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, which is all about the freedom, joy, and happiness that comes from acceptance. When something goes wrong, act as if it were what you wanted to happen, and spring into action! Take advantage of everything that goes wrong to accomplish something else!

So much of true happiness and contentedness is in how you see the world and circumstances, and this book trains you on how to be happier and more fulfilled in your life through the power of now.

Key Takeaways:

  • A lot of what you want are stories in your head, so when they don’t happen you feel loss, when you really didn’t lose anything because you didn’t have it in the first place
  • This allows you to see what you gain out of difficult situations, rather than what you think you lose
  • Accept conditions and work with them
  • Practice being able to accept things
  • Accept it as if you had chosen it, and then act! See it as an opportunity for something else
  • Complaining makes you a victim, and means you’re not accepting what is
  • If you are unhappy, remove yourself from it, change it, or accept it
  • When something bad happens, look at it as a good sign to make something good happen
  • Live in complete acceptance of what is


“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

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