148: How to Write a Book in a Weekend

“Most people think you need to lock yourself away for 6 months to write a book. But you can do it in a weekend!” – James Swanwick

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Think you need to go away and lock yourself up in a cabin for 6 months to write your book? Think again. I just did it in a weekend, and on this episode I’m teaching you exactly how you can do the same.

Writing a book is, for most, a drawn out, labored process. But the truth is that it doesn’t have to be this way. You can get most of the grunt-work done in a very short amount of time, provided you take time to plan, and you get your hands dirty and just jump straight in!

Most people spend far too much time agonizing over the work, without really getting started! On this episode, I’ll teach you how to outline and plan your book, why this is such an important step, and tips to speed up the actual writing process. Learn how to get that masterpiece that’s inside of you out onto paper and in book format in just a weekend, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show!

Key Takeaways:

  • Most people think they need to lock themselves away for 6 months or something. But there’s a more efficient way to do it
  • These tips apply more to nonfiction than fiction
  • Brainstorm chapters and topics – maybe on a whiteboard – move them around, take some time with it. It took me a couple hours
  • Spend considerable time planning, so that your work is all or mostly all focused correctly, and you don’t have to rework things
  • Consider speaking your book out, and getting it professionally  transcribed
  • Get your book professionally edited using a freelance site like Upwork, etc
  • Last step: Polish it all up, work on a cover, etc. This step is not part of the weekend, because you want to take time to let ideas and decisions germinate
  • Topic brainstorming for your book: What are you an expert on?